SMS integration improves customer service
SGP Property & Facilities Management is a leading provider of a wide range of outsourced property and facilities management services to clients throughout the UK and Ireland.
With expertise in the retail, corporate & public sectors, bespoke, leading edge IT systems are a key component of the support services delivered and the vital link between SGP, clients and contractors.
24 hour help desk
SGP operates a 24/7/365 helpdesk, covering circa 50,000 client properties within the UK, and keeping their clients up to date with potential issues is paramount.
Previously, if a specific store wasn’t trading, or someone just wanted to know when a piece of work had been completed, the only viable means of communication had been the telephone. Because of many factors, the organisation was finding that getting calls through clients in a timely manner was becoming more and more of a challenge.
The obvious way to get an important message through to clients, without disturbing them with a phone call or waiting for them to answer, was via text messaging.
Using Text Messaging to keep in touch
Lee Pantling, IT Director, SGP Property and Facilities Management said; “As ProcessFlows’ Text Message Solutions have various methods of integration, coupled with the fact that we already use their software and have received impressive support, it was the obvious option. The installation and then integration into our Helpdesk software was extremely simple. Within hours we had a test version running successfully, which easily enabled us to amend our code to provide the required updates on logged work requests for our clients.”
“The feedback we are getting from our clients, following implementation of this service, has been excellent. So many systems these days are over complicated to install, administer and to integrate into, but this one was a breeze. As text messaging is now widely recognised as a valid business tool, I foresee many instances where we can improve the service to our customers by integration of this software into other client facing applications.“
Lee Pantling
IT Director, SGP
The possibilities are endless
“Having experienced how simple the integration with our systems is, we are now designing a full rules-based notification system which will enable us to inform clients by SMS, fax or email if certain criteria are met when creating or amending a work request.” said Lee. “For example, clients can choose to only receive updates when a store isn’t trading or where a property has asbestos present. The system will be completely bespoke to meet each client’s requirements.”
SGP are also working on a trial for handling incoming SMS updates, so that contractors will be able to send a text message from a site, telling them a work request has been completed – providing even quicker, more accurate statistics for their clients.